Kudos Heart Care Kit (2 Months Pack)




An Ayurvedic formulation for cardiac care that comprises of rare herbs, is traditionally used to provide cardiac protection to people having hypertension, Hyperlipidaemia, angina.

Heart Care Kit takes complete care of your heart. It comprises of Arjuteb Powder which is being used as cardiac tone and for general weakness. Arjuteb Powder is a great combination of herbal extracts which acts on our circulatory system mainly to reduce the high level of Cholesterol in blood which is the root cause of fatal cardiac complication i.e. Coronary Artery Blockage. This Heart care medicine is the best medicine for high blood pressure. Angina pectoris, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, post myocardial infarction, hypertension, Hyperlipidaemia, coronary artery diseases (Blockage of coronary arteries), to prevent recurrence of blockages after bypass surgery or angioplasty. It is the best ayurvedic medicine for healthy heart.

Lifestyle plays an important role in eliminating the need for medication for hyper-tension. Lifestyle changes help you on how to lower and control your blood pressure.  Besides this, peoples who are prone to cardiac diseases like Overweight or obesity problems, people who smoke, Diabetic, hypertensive, have high cholesterol levels should be advised a short term course of Arjuteb Powder to prevent cardiac complications. This best ayurvedic medicine for hypertension works wonders. The hypertension medicine boosts the natural anti-oxidant defense system of the heart and strengthens the vascular system of the body.


Arjuteb Powder is a cardiac care ayurvedic medicine and is good for patients having myocardial infection, Rheumatic Heart Diseases, Hypertension and Cardiomyopathy etc.

This high blood pressure medicine is an effective remedy for leucohorrea, Ulcer, diabetes, cough, excessive perspiration and inflammation in the body.

Ayurvedic hypertension medicine for heart health regulates serum lipid metabolism, thereby reducing atherosclerosis and improving coronary and peripheral circulation.

This hypertension medicine in Ayurveda is used to treat congestive heart failure. Heart Care Kit is a Cardio-vascular treatment that helps to reduce inflammation that causes plaque formation in arteries.

Medicine for cardiac care strengthens and tones up the cardiac muscles and increases the vascular strength of blood vessels thereby improving the overall general health of the individual.

Heart Care Kit is the best medicine for high blood pressure which strengthens the heart and helps people overcome nervousness, stress and anxiety.

This ayurvedic medicine for hypertension supports healthy lipid profile.

Kudos ayurvedic medicine for heart disease is the best ayurvedic medicine for heart health improves overall circulation to vital organs of the body.

Heart blockage ayurvedic medicine keeps immense value as general tonic in debilitated, elderly and general weakness.

This ayurvedic medicine for ischemia reduces convalescence period after prolonged illness. Arjuteb powder is really effective as pain relief medicine for wounds also.

Arjuteb Powder should be taken regularly for 8 to 10 months for therapeutic benefits.


Arjuteb Powder: One tsp once a day or as directed by physician.

Kudos Ayurveda: With over 100 years of experience in Ayurveda.

**MRP of the product is inclusive of all taxes**


Que1 What does this kit does?

Ans1 This kit helps in giving a protection cover to the heart

Que2 Is it helpful in high Blood pressure and high cholesterol?

Ans2 Before starting Heart Care Kit, you must undergo a lipid profile blood test, if those levels come deranged then you should start taking Heart Care Kit. It will reduce your increased cholesterol levels and when that will be normal, and then your blood pressure levels will also get normal.

Que3 Is it an ayurvedic medicine?

Ans3 Yes, it is an ayurvedic solution which is completely safe without any side effects.

Que4 I had undergone bypass surgery. Can I take this?

Ans4 Yes, you can surely take this. Heart Care Kit will be a strong support to you.

Que5 I have two stents in my heart. Can I take Heart Care Kit?

Ans5 Yes, you must take Heart Care Kit to protect yourself from more blockages. Start taking it asap.


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